Card Reading and Wish Making workshop

🌙Spiritual and Fun
🌙Creative NeutoArt Session
🌙Festive Atmosphere
🌙Engage in a revealing card reading

What to Prepare

Plain paper
A notebook
Coloured pencils
Permanent markers


90 minutes of joyful practice. Gratitude, creativity and release great emotions.

Workshop Pricing
Our video feedback process involves an in-depth analysis of your drawing in 8 steps. We provide feedback on various aspects including your technique, subconscious messages conveyed in your artwork, and your overall experience during the workshop. The feedback you receive aims to uncover answers you may have been seeking and reveal hidden secrets that your subconscious mind may have kept from you. Each feedback session typically lasts between 15 to 20 minutes.
If you are interested in receiving feedback on your artwork from our workshop, kindly send us your completed drawing along with a brief description of your experience during the workshop to

Card Reading
and Wish
Making workshop
